Roadmap for Free Movers

Free mover implies that the students would need to go through the whole process by themselves, so the deadlines and next steps would depend on the chosen host university. The student is not allowed to pick a partner University (aka University, that is part of the Erasmus/Global Exchange program for BICS’ students). Students should check and make sure that the host university they wish to study at accepts the status “free mover” (mobility outside of an agreement), that they sign a learning agreement for free mover, and that they issue a Transcript of records for the student at the end of the semester.

1. Students need to declare themselves as a Free Mover to the Outgoing Mobility Office. No documents, or no university decisions required yet. (~ end of April)

2. After the declaration, the entire process is solely the responsibility of the student with no set-in-stone deadlines given by the Outgoing Mobility Office. Students need to pay attention to the critical dates and deadlines of the host university. Students needs to contact the university they wish to apply, get accepted as a free mover, communicate all the necessary documents between UL and the host university, and be the middle man for any and all processes.

3. After being accepted, free movers need to sign a mobility contract which they will receive from the Outgoing Mobility Office before the official beginning of their semester abroad. During the semester more documents will need to be filled.