Competitive programming group

Competitive programming is a mind sport in which you must solve as many problems as possible within a time limit (usually 4 to 5 hours) in a team of 3 competitors.

Since 1st of September of 2021 Pierre Talbot, Gabriel Duflo and Florian Felten (members of the BiCS teaching staff) are leading a group aimed at trainning students (and staff) who may be interested in developing their programming skills through this mind sport.

Thanks to the initiative of this group the University of Luxembourg had for the very first time in its history representatives in the Benelux Algorithm Programming Contest 2021. Students from BiCS were those representing the UL in the student category. Here some testimonials about their participation:

“The competition is a great way to improve one’s programming abilities as well as being a fun and competitive environment.” —Alexander G.

“Competing against other students was also very fun since it gave us motivation to do better than them, even though it was our first ever competition and it was very hard.” —Titouan G.

Beside learning and developing programming skills, it also a space to socialise with other students and get some fun. If you are interested in joinging the group simply drop an email to Pierre (pierre [dot] talbot [at] uni [dot] lu) or join to the group’s discord channel.

“We still have a lot to learn to improve our ranking. Come join our forces, we need you!” — Pierre Talbot.

GOOFERS team. Photo by Clint Nieuwendijk and Joey van Haas.
Funkey monkey team. Photo by Clint Nieuwendijk and Joey van Haas.
Fork-bombers team. Photo by Clint Nieuwendijk and Joey van Haas.
Pierre and Florian participating in the BAPC 2021 contest (yea, also staff has the rights to have fun!). Photo by courtesy of Pierre Talbot.